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第十四集 (3/12/2008) 预告

Ping Pong:Hi, My name is Pong – Ping Pong. She is my assistant, and also is my girlfriend, Pong Lady.
Pong Lady:Yes... I am Pong Lady...!
J.J.F.B.:Hi~ My name is J.J.F.B... I hate Pong, because... I like badminton...
Ping Pong:哼!J.J.F.B.,有我008在,你休想制造破坏!
J.J.F.B.:Let horse come to me... 放马过来。
Ping Pong:那就开始吧!
Ping Pong:Awww no, 我输了……
J.J.F.B.:哈哈哈……       Pong Lady:Pong......
— 电影《008 大战 J.J.F.B.》
(想知道我名字的意思? J.J.F.B. = 经济风暴。哈哈哈……)
